387/2A, Victoria Extension Road,
Thoothukudi - 628002,
Tamilnadu, India.



Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Holy Cross A.I. Hr. Sec. School run by the sisters of the Cross has an enviable tradition of 120 years of service to the cause of education. Thousands of students have passed through its portals and now are serving humanity within the country and abroad in different capacities and some of them in very high positions.


Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

HCAIS introduced the AISC scheme of examination in 1922, since then our school has done remarkably well in this scheme. Basically the pattern seeks to make the children understand the subject by providing an in-depth syllabus rather a broad based one.

The study of English is taken very seriously and a good grounding in this language is aimed at.

At Holy Cross, we are committed to excellence, and we have a more than adequate staff of experienced teachers who handle not only all the subjects efficiently but also handle the children in a professional manner. Since we have being in the educational field for the past 110 years, you can rest assured that your children are in SAFE & CAPABLE hands.

Value Education

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Value Education is the `training of the heart'. The values that are pursued in the moral and spiritual realm are:

Sincerity, faithfulness, obedience to what one conceives to be the highest, gratitude, honesty, benevolence, generosity, cheerfulness, selflessness, freedom from egoism, equanimity in joy and suffering, in honour and dishonour, success and failure, pursuit of the deepest and the highest of the absolute and ultimate and the progressive expression of this pursuit in thought, feeling and action.

Eucharistic Celebration

Catholics must believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, celebrate the liturgy with devotion and live in a way that demonstrates their faith.

- Pope Benedict XVI

Being a Christian institution it is our prime responsibility to increase the love and devotion for Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist. Every month, the Christian children participate in the Eucharistic Celebration held in our school chapel.

Moral Education

When we actively engage with values we start to understand their implications for making choices about our attitudes and responses. Moral Science classes encourage reflective and aspirational attributes and attitudes. These can be nurtured to help people discover the very best of themselves, which enables them to be good citizens and prepare them for the life of work.


The students in our school are ensured with spiritual development through catechism classes, retreats, way of the cross and regular confessions. Catechism lessons are given to lead the children in the doctrine which is after godliness, to be instructed in the Word of God and in the Confessions of Faith. They also receive Information on the lives and spirituality of various saints.


Times of extended retreat give us a chance to come home to ourselves in God's presence and to bring the realities of our life to God . This is important for us and for those we serve.... On retreat we rest in God and wait on him to do what is needed.

The hope for our retreat programme is that it will help students:

  • To get to know and understand themselves better, and to themselves appreciate more.
  • To see better how to get on with other people in their life, and to improve this.
  • To appreciate more the place of God in our world and in their life.

Spiritual Retreats are an integral part of our institution. The christian students participate in the annual retreat held in our school every year and return to the battle of life with fresh energy and keener insight.

Various enriching and useful Seminars and Workshops were conducted for the staff, parents and students.


Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Teaching at Holy Cross is student-centered, project based and incorporates the multiple intelligence concept. While the general curriculum is followed by every student, she is also encouraged to develop talents and interests in personal areas of academic interest, and in sports, music and dance.

Student Centered Learning

  • aims to give students a broader, deeper, richer educational experience.
  • recognizes each student's strongest talents and builds on them.
  • concentrates first on the student's aptitudes then on the skills and knowledge.
  • allows students to benefit from each other's strengths.

Project Based Learning

  • to allow them to develop their different talents through individual projects.
  • to ensure that the projects are done with complete concentration.
  • to remember and recall what is learned by doing.

Learning to Learn

  • to develop motivated, confident articulate students with the skills necessary for independent study.


Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

The Academic year is divided into three terms,

June - September October - December January - April
  • The Curriculum is geared to meet the full range of higher secondary examinations. There is continuous testing, assessment and practice in the languages and in Maths, Science and Social Science at the end of each term.
  • Grading will be in accordance with the regulation approved by the Tamilnadu Board of Secondary Education.

Academic Awards

A student’s record in continuous assessment and Terminal Examinations will be taken into account in awarding prizes and merit certificates.

School System

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Learners today... Leaders tomorrow...

Education is the mother of Leadership

Pupil leadership is pivoted to the Holy Cross A.I.Hr.Sec.School ethos. It is the most important element of the school framework. The programme is designed to build up confidence & public speaking, organisational independence, team leading skills and encourage pupils to take the lead in advocating sustainability of the school and the community which will undoubtedly help them in later life.

The ethics of leadership in our school is

  • Enterprising
  • Engaging
  • Evolving
  • From Good to Great

School Pupil Leaders

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

The Supreme quality of leadership is integrity. A pupil with integrity and vision is elected as a leader.

  • School Pupil Leader – Tressie Joshna. C from Std XII
  • Assistant School Pupil Leader – Rachel Thmna from Std XI
  • Junior School Pupil Leader – Deanna. R from Std V
  • Assistant Junior School Pupil Leader – Shalya Lobo. E from Std V
  • School Pupil Leader (Boys) – Shawnel Jino. J from Std V

House System

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

The children are grouped under 4 houses.

Each house has its own prefects who consider it as a huge honour and responsibility to lead everyone.

  • Red House Captain – Jenolin Percy J.M.
  • Blue House Captain – Ajitha. K
  • Green House Captain – Gifty Xavio. R
  • Yellow House Captain – Jervina Wiselin J

The School Parliament

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

The school Senate – Student’s Parliament enables students to play a key role in the maintenance of the school. It takes on the responsibility to represent their fellow students and fulfil a leadership role in school.

  • Prime Minister – Jezreel Zerubba Gomez R
  • Education Minister – Aishwarya
  • Cleanliness Minister – Anu S
  • Discipline Minister – Jebicia S
  • Uniform Minister – Britney Daren A
  • Language Minister – Vashini Avanthikaa R
  • Notice Board Minister – Raghavi S
  • Latecomer Minister – Sancta Nitzanta K

Sports Captains

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Initiative, Reliability, Commitment and Positive attitude are the expectations from the sports leaders. The students who fit in this are chosen as the sports captains.

  • School Games Captain – Juana Chrisolin E from Std XII.
  • Assistant School Games Captain – Noorul Shajitha M from Std XI.

The young leaders make the leadership pledge in taking forward their role, responsibility over the coming months.

As a team, they are enthused to work towards keeping Holy Cross, the diverse, competitive and passionate workplace that it is.

Courses Offered

Holy Cross Anglo Indian School

Holy Cross A.I. Hr. Sec. School has programmed a diverse and specialized curriculum which helps the child to develop critical thinking and problem-solving.

The Primary School (Classes I to V)

The primary school is a dynamic environment in which we see significant development in the child. These are the Foundation Years, during which students are introduced to early linguistic and arithmetic basics, scope for creative play and expression and physical fitness which are crucial steps in building childhood competencies.

As students move through- we begin to introduce them progressively to the world of integrated knowledge, which particularly strengthens their aptitudes in the course studies of English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science. This is the time of multidimensional learning. A wide range of classroom activities are used as stimuli for reading and writing.

Students are introduced to the world of computers, appreciating that computer literacy is essential in the modern world.

Middle School (Classes VI to VIII)

Students next enter the middle school, a critical period in education. Life really comes alive with this vivacious, confused, boisterous and intelligent group of students belonging to Classes VI, VII and VIII.

Middle school students are ready to tackle deeper and more discrete subjects with an array of specialist teachers. These years are also good time to learn the discipline and skills of preparing for tests and examinations. Students are taught to handle term portions, to gradually get trained to appear for the Board Examinations.

Secondary school (Classes IX and X)

Students are encouraged and motivated to become increasingly independent learners with an interest in setting personal academic goals. We seek to reinforce the qualities like building self-esteem, self-respect and the courage to explore. Students are prepared to take off to the 10th Standard where they face significant board exams. They are made confident to handle and become part-takers to run the race in high spirits and determination.

English Mathematics Commerce
First Language – Tamil / French Physics Economics
Chemistry Accountancy
Biology / Computer Science Business Maths / Computer Science

The teaching – learning environment at the secondary and the senior secondary levels are aimed at helping our out-going students access the best universities and learning institutions in India and across the globe. We offer a range and combination of courses that are balanced: a blend of Science, Mathematics and Humanities.

The learning experience is so designed as to allow our students pursue those subjects that will satisfy any and all university entrance requirements including engineering, medicine, law and other professions.

It is our strong belief that students who complete our programmes will be academically prepared to embrace the brilliant opportunities of the new century.